Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Wildcat"

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Q: So, if a wildcat and a domestic cat mate, their offspring is the hybrid cat. Hybrid cat has some part of the wildcat’s gene, but they aren’t pure wildcat. Through this process, the separate genetic identity of wildcats slowly disappeared.

The wildcat would not become extinct in the next 10 years. However, if continuous breeding with domestic cats erodes the separate genetic identity of wildcats, someday we may not able to see them for good. The IUCN is aware of these, so they said that someday they need to reassess them as a threatened species.

Then, what efforts have been made to save them, and what will be done in the future?

Actually, the pure wildcat is classed as threatened at the national level in many European states, and the wildcat is legally protected in some countries: all hunting&trading of the wildcat are banned by law.
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