Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Technological"

Synonyms of "Technological" and their differences

Q: technological able ve capable of applying technology arasındaki fark nedir?
A: "technological able" is not grammatically correct. ("technological" is an adjective, but you cannot apply an adjective to another adjective ("able"). You need to make it into an adverb first, so it should be "technologically able".)

Technically, "technologically able" is just another way to say "able to use technology". "capable of applying technology" is very similar ("able" and "capable" often mean the same thing, and "use" and "apply" can often mean the same thing, depending on the situation). However, the use of "apply" suggests that the technology is being used to achieve some particular purpose or goal (while "use" does not necessarily have that implication).

The biggest difference is really just how you are able to use them in a sentence.
"Technologically able" can be used as an adjective directly in front of some other noun. "capable of applying technology" is not an adjective, so it must be attached to a noun using "which" or "who", etc. On the other hand, since it is a phrase, you can add additional things to the phrase to make it more specific, too:

"She is technologically able." ⭕
"She is capable of applying technology." ⭕
"She is a technologically able person." ⭕
"She is a capable of applying technology person." ❌ (does not work in front of a noun, because it is a phrase, not an adjective)
"She is a person who is capable of applying technology." ⭕
"She is a person who is capable of applying technology to solve this problem." ⭕
"She is a technologically able to solve this problem person." ❌ (does not work, because "technologically able" is only an adjective, not a phrase you can add prepositions to)

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