Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Secret"

Synonyms of "Secret" and their differences

Q: But i do have a little secret. ve But i have a little secret arasındaki fark nedir?
A: “but i have a little secret” is sort of the normal/standard version. adding “do” to statements like these makes them emphatic. so it’s just adding emphasis. it’s often used when someone is denying, doubting, or disagreeing with someone you believe or have said, and you use it to insist that it is true

basically imagine that you mentioned having a little secret, and someone was just like “lol no you don’t” or gave you a look of doubt. since they are denying/doubting information that is true/you believe to be true, you would reply “i DO have a little secret!” and that “do” is there to show conviction and insistence.

some other examples:

- “Maybe you shouldn’t come with us to the fair, you don’t have any money to spend”
- “Actually, I do have money, so I’ll be going”

- “We don’t think you belong in this class, you clearly can’t understand the material”
- “I do belong here, this unit is just hard!”

- “My boyfriend just bought me chocolates, that’s so sweet!”
- “What? You don’t have a boyfriend”
- “Um, I do have a boyfriend, I haven’t introduced y’all yet”

- “She never hangs out anymore, it’s like she doesn’t want to be friends with us”
- “She does want to be friends, she’s just so busy with work”

- “They came to the party? I thought they hate parties.”
- “They do hate parties, but they knew that it would make Alex happy so they went anyway.”

- “Everyone tells me that cats hate water, but my cat jumped in the tub last night and loved it.”
- “Cats do hate water, yours is just weird.”

hope these make sense! emphatic “do” can also be used in other contexts, it doesn’t always have to be in direct response to doubt or denial, it can just make a verb stronger/more forceful or convey stronger emotions (like saying “I really do hate to see her cry” can really emphasize how it upsets the speaker, for ex). so that should be the main takeaway, that it’s used to add emphasis to a verb or statement. in such statements, “do” will always be stressed

other notes: emphatic “do” can be used in past tense, and in negated sentences (but in negated sentences the “do” will already be there in “don’t”, so you won’t notice the difference in writing). also, it can’t replace other auxiliary verbs in sentences (be, can, could, would, will, must, etc); instead, whatever other auxiliary that is there already is stressed (like “what do you mean i won’t do my homework? i WILL do it!” or “i CAN win, stop saying i can’t”)

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