Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Restrain"

Synonyms of "Restrain" and their differences

Q: restrain ve hold back ve repress ve detain arasındaki fark nedir?
A: Restrain is used to describe the act of physically holding someone captive. It may or may not involve the use of force.
Example: The doctor used a straightjacket to restrain him for his own protection.

Detain is similar to restrain but it's typically used to describe the act of holding someone captive with the intent of preventing them from proceeding to a given destination. While detaining someone can involve the use of force, in my opinion, it's usually implied that force wasn't needed.
Example: He was detained at the security checkpoint because they suspected that he was a terrorist and wanted to prevent him from boarding the plane. He refused to comply so the security team were forced to restrain him.

Hold back may be used both figuratively and literally.
When used figuratively, hold back is a phrase used to describe the act of partially completing an action or choosing to complete an action poorly.
Example: Tell me everything. Don't hold back.
Example: During the tennis match, his performance was passable but he didn't play well enough to win. He must've been holding back for some reason.
When used in the literal sense, hold back is the act of physically holding something back.
Example: He used the sandbags to hold back the flood water that was approaching his house.

Repress is really a more specialized way of talking about suppression. To suppress something in general means to push something down in a figurative sense. It isn't used when talking about physically pushing something down. One wouldn't suppress the trash in to a trash can to fit more in it. Suppression always refers to something figurative such as emotions, behavior, beliefs, ideas, movements, etc.
Suppress can be further specialized in to two more terms, however.
1. Repress - suppress can be used to mean the same thing but repress is typically used when talking about emotions, beliefs, or ideas.
Example: He repressed his anger.
2. Oppress - suppress can also be used here but oppress typically means to inhibit the prosperity or happiness of a particular group of people.
Example: During the second World War, Hitler oppressed the Jews.

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