Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Movement"

The meaning of "Movement" in various phrases and sentences

Q: “Under the movement of divine grace the new converts set out on a spiritual journey by means of which, while already sharing through faith in the mystery of the death and resurrection, they pass from the old man to the new man who has been made perfect ” ne anlama geliyor?
A: The word "which" can be used as a question, like "which one?" Or it can be used as a statement, like "I watched Titanic, which is my favorite movie."

When used as a statement, the word "which" always refers to the previous noun or name in the sentence. In the example above, the word "which" refers to Titanic.

In the sentence "Under the movement of divine grace the new converts set out on a spiritual journey by means of which… they pass from the old man to the new man" the word "which" refers to "a spiritual journey," the noun that came right before it.

"by means of ____" is a phrase that means "using ____" or "in the direction of ____"
"They came here by means of car." = They came here using a car.
"They went to the church by means of the forest." = They went to the church in the direction of the forest. Or, they went through the forest to get to the church.

So, "by means of which" means "using (the previous noun)" or "in the direction of (the previous noun)."

"That huge forest, by means of which we went to the church, was dark and scary."
("which" refers to the forest)

"My car, by means of which I came here, is old and dirty."
("which" refers to the car)

So, in "Under the movement of divine grace the new converts set out on a spiritual journey by means of which… they pass from the old man to the new man who has been made perfect," the word "which" refers to the journey, and it means the new converts use a spiritual journey to change from an old version of themselves to a new version of themselves.


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