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Q: I wrote an instruction document about a business manner in Japan. Are there any grammatical errors in sentences below?

The Japanese business etiquette Instruction

The six steps of exchanging a business card:
This description is the process of exchanging of business cards between two people. Remember to handle business cards with both hands.
1) Prepare the correct number of cards you will need for the exchange

2) Bowing each other

3) Place your business cards on top of your business card holder

Make sure your cards are facing towards the receiver so that they can read the text. If you have a bilingual card, facing up the side of the receiver’s language. Ensure the card is turned towards the receiver. Remember the highest ranking people exchange cards first.

4) Use your right hand to offer your card, holding it by the top corner

Make sure no names or logos are covered up with your fingers when receiving a card. You will hold the business card holder in your left hand.

5) Give a brief self-introduction

6) Arrange cards on top of the card holder or on the table in the seating order
Keep the card on display during the meeting until ending it. Place the highest ranked person’s card on top on the card holder. This shows a respect to the person.
Q: I wrote an instruction document about a business manner in Japan. Are there any gramertical errors in sentences below?
Doing Japanese business etiquette with a polite way

How important on exchanging of a business card in Japan
I am describing how to exchange business cards with the Japanese way because some employees plan to go on a business trip in Japan in this year.
The purpose of exchanging of business cards is to remind the other person’s name and to keep mind a business relationship in future. In Japan, exchanging of business cards is more important and more care attention to the process than that in the U.S. The Japanese businessmen always treat the business card with the utmost respect as if the body of that person.

The six process to exchange a business card
This description is a process to exchange of business cards between two people. Remember handling business cards to be delivered with both hands.
1) Prepare the number of cards you will need to exchange
Before attending an assemble, prepare a lot of business cards and a card holder to remove your business cards or to take receiving them.

2) Bowing each other
Bowing is a formally polite manner in public when meeting at the first time. Bowing about 45 degrees with your back straight and put your hands at the sides.

*Your hosts may offer a handshake instead of bowing because the Westerners are unaccustomed to bowing.

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