Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Hours"

The meaning of "Hours" in various phrases and sentences

Synonyms of "Hours" and their differences

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Q: I think that taking 3 hours final exam is better for all students, and instructor. Writing a report is also good option, but there are some reasons taking a final exam is better option. First of all, it is not fair to whom may have been prepared for the final exam. Students have not been noticed anything about writing a report, so they took a great effort for the final exam. Although writing a report and taking a final exam will bee needed for same knowledge, some students who is ready for the test will not accept this unfair option. Secondly, students may not have enough time to write a report at home. As you know, almost all students are taking at least 5 classes for this term, and they need to prepare other class exam too. Writing a 5 pages report will impact grade for other classes. Lastly, there will not be enough time to grade students report. Reports will be more than 5 pages, so it is not possible to go through all reports to give students grade properly before end of this term. All in all, taking a final exam as our class plan will be better option for everyone. bu doğru görünüyor mu?

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