Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Grandma"

Translations of "Grandma"

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Q: I was so sad that my grandma didn't feeling well, doctor just told me that my grandma is really weakness and may leave me not long.You know I'm study abroad now,and I really missing my grandma, she is such a kind person always encourage me to pursing my dream. Due to my parents both work very busy, they don't have time to take care of me when I was young, so it was my grandma who rasing me and companion with me, you can not imagine how important she means to me. I really hope some day she will getting better but her disease is more seriouly now and she even can't speaking or moving. So can't control my tears falling down and my bad mood also affected you. I'm sorry I hope we were still good friends😔 bu doğru görünüyor mu?

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