Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Graceless"

Other questions about "Graceless"

Q: 1. I met a rude and graceless guy at the English centre I attended. One day, he wrested my notebook from my hand and ran away, asking me to beg for its return.

2. I used to live with my strict aunt for 1 month when I first came to Saigon. I was often told off because of my clumsiness.

3. I've set out to learn and acquire ten thousand English words and expressions within 3 months. That means over three thousand words per month or 100 words per day. According to my tracking, that is an unrealistic target, because each day I can add a maximum of 50 words and only learn 20 to 30 words.

4. The most irritating sounds to me are clink and clank. I hate it even more when someone is furious or upset about something while they are doing household chores such as washing up, they do it so forcefully and with carelessness that the pots hit against each other and cause those noises.
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