Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Followig"

Other questions about "Followig"

Q: How about the followig text? Does it fill the category of an informal letter headed to a friend? Is there any inconsistence or grammar point that should be corrected?

"Hi Matt,

Well done on passing your exam! I've always known that you'd do it! The money you received from your parents is surely well deserved!

I wonder you're anxious to spend your money on something that pleases you. To my mind, you should buy some computer games, because the clothes from your favourite fashion brand are very expensive nowadays.

I'm not very fond of computer games, but I know some new lauchings that may interest you. Why not try the newest version of Call of Duty? My cousin has bought it for a quite accesible price. Also, he told me the game's graphics are amazing and it has new versions of weapons available as well.

I hope to hear from you soon. Tell me on what did you finally spent your money.


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