Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Decline"

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Q: I think the decline in Japanese economy inevitable. I will explain why.

First, population of Japan is decreasing and this trend would last.
Declining population leads to declining sales and economy.
Even in this situation, Japanese government doesn't take any effective measure to stop decline in population. I think this situation is hopeless for Japanese economy.

Second, the fluidity of work force is not enough in Japan.
For example, in the IT industry, the fluidity of work force is important because once a system is constructed, the company don't need the team members.
In Japan, the many IT engineers are forced to be in unstable position such as temporary staffs because Japanese company can't afford to employ them as full-time employee because of life-long employment system.
Therefore, Japanese IT industry don't develop compared to foreign IT companies. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
A: × I think the decline in Japanese economy inevitable.
✓ I think the decline in Japan’s economy is inevitable.

× First, population of Japan is decreasing and this trend would last.
✓ First of all, the population of Japan is decreasing, and this trend is expected to continue.

× Declining population leads to declining sales and economy.
✓ Declining populations lead to declining sales and economies.

× Even in this situation, Japanese government doesn't take any effective measure to stop decline in population.
✓ Also, the Japanese government isn’t taking any effective measures to stop the population decline, so

× I think this situation is hopeless for Japanese economy.
✓ things seem hopeless for the economy.

× Second, the fluidity of work force is not enough in Japan.
✓ Secondly, the fluidity of the work force in Japan is not enough.

× For example, in the IT industry, the fluidity of work force is important because once a system is constructed, the company don't need the team members.
✓ For example, in the IT industry, the fluidity of the work force is important because once a system is constructed, a company doesn’t need team members.

× In Japan, the many IT engineers are forced to be in unstable position such as temporary staffs because Japanese company can't afford to employ them as full-time employee because of life-long employment system.
✓ In Japan, many IT engineers are forced into unstable, temporary job positions because Japanese companies can’t afford to employ them as full-time employees due to the life-long employment system.

× Therefore, Japanese IT industry don't develop compared to foreign IT companies.
✓ Therefore, the Japanese IT industry can’t develop as well as foreign IT industries.

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