Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Communicator"

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Q: 🔥 It’s obviously but I’ll write. You’re able to find a communicator who can help you with learning without irritation. Majority of Russians are hospital and you can easily find a friendly one. But you should mention that you have another mindset. Be friendly, positive, but don’t try break the ice faster👌Remember about private boards. It demands a separate post. Don’t shy to be funny, if anyone wouldn’t mind you, don’t be in stress. It’s not your guy,
🔥Learn it playing like you’re a kid. The process of recognizing language is similar with how a child learns native language. Drawing, acting out (just by your own) really helps!
🔥 Find a teacher, who can share his knowledge systematically

I’ll be glad if you write your recommendations and watching ❤️ bu doğru görünüyor mu?

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