Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Articel"

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Q: The articel "Conversation-a vanishing skill?" written by Martha Irvina and published by The Huffinging Post in 3 June 2013 discusses the social and writing comprehension skills which is being weaken due to the lack of personal contact and neglecting the grammer rules while texting. Getting on the mobile phone to text as soon as possible seems to be a common practice for many people especially the younger one. This practice can lead to problmatic consequences in the future such as regressing social and educational skills according to a proffesor, which also means less job opportunities on the job market. Besides, she notices that many students have social anxiety by obeserving them. Many students tend to contact their professors via e-mails just to avoid any personal contact, therfore an assitant suggestes her students to give up on their mobile devices, and she has given them some tasks instead. All in all, every individual should identifies his weakness and focus on working on it. bu doğru görünüyor mu?

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