Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Anger"

Synonyms of "Anger" and their differences

Translations of "Anger"

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Q: Can you fix my "anger" email please?
- I came to here because since you lost your wife, you kept messaging me that you miss me and everyone. You made me feel sorry for you. You used to me like my real father, and you have my whole faith and love. I would've spend this holiday with my real family and friends if you just told me that you met someone online who from China and may want to get married. Because I don't even like your place. There's absolutely nothing to do here. People are grumpy, the weather suck, and I have no friend to hang out. So after this shit holiday, I will never come back to your place and you will never hear from me and see me again. Because you took a fake love, and lost lots of true loves. You can enjoy right now, but when come to an end, you might will be totally alone.

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