Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Account"

Example sentences using "Account"

Q: threatened account struggling lack considers obey elicit anxious self-doubting according cope researchers ile örnek cümleler göster.
A: -She felt threatened when the man started yelling and moving in close.
-The clouds were dark and threatened to rain.

-She went to the bank and opened an account.
-The account she gave of the accident, seemed to be a lie

-Because he lost his job, Paul was struggling to pay his rent.
-I am struggling in my math class, so I am going to get a tutor.

-She is very shy and lacks self confidence.
-I want to speak with my Korean friend, but I lack enough vocabulary.

-Shelly considers Sarah to be her best friend.
-Once given all of the evidence, the judge considers what the sentence should be.

-When driving, always obey the traffic lights.
-Children should obey their teacher’s instructions

-The politician’s remarks on gun control may elicit anger.
-A clown hopes to elicit laughter from the audience.

-Cindy was very anxious while waiting for the plane to take off.
-Jon was anxious while waiting for the test results.

-Because Robert was always self-doubting, no one wanted to work with him on projects.
-If you are always self-doubting, you will never take chances.

-According to the weather report, it is going to rain tonight.
-Whether visiting a church, funeral, opera, or fancy dinner, you should dress accordingly.

-The Mother is trying to cope with the fact that her children are all grown up.
-For some students, it is hard to cope with the new environment of college.

-Many researchers feel that it is good for children to read each day with their parents.
-The researchers have discovered a new medicine for ovarian cancer.


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