Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Kumamoto"

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Q: In Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Castle is under the repairing to mend what was broken by the greate earthquake in 2016.
The moan was emptied to get rid of scraps of its stone walls.
Also about 50 stuff of members were into water and caught fish with net.
According to the city, Gin-buna and Orange freshwater goby caught by stuff reached 108 and all of them were released into nearby river.
Alien species like Largemouth bass and Crayfish, about 300, were killed because they had bad impact in the native ecosystem.
The cleaning will have done by 3rd in 2023.
The staff said ''There is still parts of Kumamoto Castle that need to be repaired.'' bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Q: In Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Castle is under the repairing to mend what was broken by the greate earthquake in 2016.
The moan was emptied to get rid of scraps of its stone walls.
Also about 50 stuff of members were into water and caught fish with net.
According to the city, Gin-buna and Orange freshwater goby caught by stuff reached 108 and all of them were released into nearby river.
Alien species like Largemouth bass and Crayfish, about 300, were killed because they had bad impact in the native ecosystem.
The cleaning will have done by 3rd in 2023.
The staff said ''There is still parts of Kumamoto Castle that need to be repaired.'' bu doğru görünüyor mu?

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