Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Karina"

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Q: Correct please
Karina Timofeeva completed her bachelor's degree in international relations at Nizhny Novgorod Dobrolyubov State Linguistic University in 2019. As part of the curriculum, she mastered two languages: English and French. A good level of foreign language proficiency is confirmed by the fact that, in the phonetic competition in English, held in 2017 at the university, she was chosen as one of the finalists at the stage of the blind audition.
In addition, Karina Timofeeva studied Japanese language. Now, she is preparing to pass JLPT N3. She was able to apply her knowledge of the Japanese language while she was writing her thesis.
For three years, she has been studying the Asia-Pacific region, in particular, Russian-Japanese relations. Her thesis was devoted to the Topic "the role of cultural diplomacy in the development of Russian-Japanese relations at the present stage". In the study, Karina Timofeeva worked with documents and materials in the Japanese language. The thesis contains interesting approaches and original interpretations of existing problems. Karina Timofeeva attended events related to the topic of her thesis, including a meeting with representatives of the Japanese Miyagi Prefecture at the digital summit 2018. This shows, on the one hand, that the student is interested in a scientific problem, and on the other, it shows her intentions to seriously work out the problems of Russian-Japanese relations in particular, and the Asia-Pacific region in general.
During the working on the thesis, she proved to be a scrupulous researcher, sincerely interested in her topic.
In 2020, Karina Timofeeva entered the master's program of the Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher education "far Eastern Federal University" in VI-SRMI in the direction of "Foreign regional studies", choosing Japanese as a second foreign language.
While studying, Karina Timofeeva demonstrates diligence, hard work, responsibility, pedantry, and a high degree of self-organization.
I can describe Karina Timofeeva As a purposeful and ambitious person who is not afraid and does not avoid difficulties on the way to her goal to participate in exchange programs for learning Japanese.
A: Karina Timofeeva EARNED her bachelor's degree in international relations at Nizhny Novgorod Dobrolyubov State Linguistic University in MAY, 2019.

She mastered two languages: English and French.
Her university hosted an English phonetic competition in 2017, and she remained herself as one of the finalists at the audition.

In addition, she has studied Japanese language for 5 years. She is aiming to pass the JLPT N3 level. For her bachelor thesis, she was able to apply her knowledge on the Japanese language.

For three years, she has been studying the Russian-Japanese relations. Her thesis was devoted to the topic, "the present role of cultural diplomacy in the Russian-Japanese relations". In the study, she successfully worked with the documents and materials written in the Japanese language.

Her thesis took interesting approaches and original interpretations of existing problems.

She attended events relevant to her study, including meetings with representatives of the Japanese Miyagi Prefecture at the digital summit 2018.

Other were interested in a scientific problem from general standpoint.
On the contrast, she worked out the problems of Russian-Japanese relations. She took a scrupulous approach to the study.

In 2020, Karina Timofeeva advanced to the higher educational level. In her master's program, she chose Japanese as the second foreign language at the Far Eastern Federal University.

While studying, she demonstratED diligence, hard work, responsibility, pedantry, and a high degree of self-organization.
I can describe her as a purposeful and ambitious person who is not afraid and does not avoid difficulties on the way to her goal to participate in exchange programs for learning Japanese.

Я японец. Я немного поправил ваш текст. Это потому, что название университета и предложения длинные. Это потому, что, когда японцы читают это предложение, они предпочитают более короткие предложения. Если это читают американцы, лучше сделать еще короче.

И, что меня сильно беспокоит, восточные славяне не умеют представляться. Японцы любят факты и научные выражения. Однако восточные славяне предпочитают абстрактные выражения.

Русский: Я домашняя и приветливая женщина. Люблю природу. Я люблю читать.

Японец: в будние дни я делаю домашние дела, по выходным езжу в лесопарк и играю в теннис с друзьями. В этот сезон дождей я прочитал книгу об изменении климата.

Я хотел сказать абстрактное прилагательное, которое более эффективно с некоторыми конкретными эпизодами, чем рекомендация. Информация JLPT N3 является полезной информацией для интервьюеров. Интервьюеров могут спросить об отношениях между Россией и Японией. Пожалуйста, объясните эффективное решение за 30 секунд. Лучше используйте начало разговора, чем длинную речь. Есть три пункта. Финансовая помощь для языкового обмена, личного обмена и взаимного знакомства с повседневной жизнью.

Я начал изучать русский язык в октябре 2018 года. И японский, и русский языки сложны для изучения. Мне нравится русская деревенская жизнь. Еще меня интересует агротехника в холодных регионах России. Я написал это предложение на английском. Текст, который вы читаете, является автоматическим переводом компьютера.
Q: Correct please
Karina Timofeeva completed her bachelor's degree in international relations at Nizhny Novgorod Dobrolyubov State Linguistic University in 2019. As part of the curriculum, she mastered two languages: English and French. A good level of foreign language proficiency is confirmed by the fact that, in the phonetic competition in English, held in 2017 at the university, she was chosen as one of the finalists at the stage of the blind audition.
In addition, Karina Timofeeva studied Japanese language. Now, she is preparing to pass JLPT N3. She was able to apply her knowledge of the Japanese language while she was writing her thesis.
For three years, she has been studying the Asia-Pacific region, in particular, Russian-Japanese relations. Her thesis was devoted to the Topic "the role of cultural diplomacy in the development of Russian-Japanese relations at the present stage". In the study, Karina Timofeeva worked with documents and materials in the Japanese language. The thesis contains interesting approaches and original interpretations of existing problems. Karina Timofeeva attended events related to the topic of her thesis, including a meeting with representatives of the Japanese Miyagi Prefecture at the digital summit 2018. This shows, on the one hand, that the student is interested in a scientific problem, and on the other, it shows her intentions to seriously work out the problems of Russian-Japanese relations in particular, and the Asia-Pacific region in general.
During the working on the thesis, she proved to be a scrupulous researcher, sincerely interested in her topic.
In 2020, Karina Timofeeva entered the master's program of the Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher education "far Eastern Federal University" in VI-SRMI in the direction of "Foreign regional studies", choosing Japanese as a second foreign language.
While studying, Karina Timofeeva demonstrates diligence, hard work, responsibility, pedantry, and a high degree of self-organization.
I can describe Karina Timofeeva As a purposeful and ambitious person who is not afraid and does not avoid difficulties on the way to her goal to participate in exchange programs for learning Japanese.

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