Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Immersing"

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Q: Immersing yourself in English is one of the best ways to improve your English ability. But it's hard because human brain is prone to avoid from keep doing the same thing.

Is it natural in a written English? Thanks!
A: I'm confused by the meaning of the last sentence. Do you mean the brain wants to do the same thing? Or it wants to do different things?

Here are two examples of how I might rewrite it:

"Immersing yourself in English is one of the best ways to improve your language ability. It can be difficult, however, due to the brain's tendency to avoid repetitive stimuli."


"Immersing yourself in English is one of the best ways to improve your language ability. However, it's often difficult because the brain is prone to avoiding repetitive stimuli."

I used the phrase "repetitive stimuli" because it feels clinical/scientific, which is very appropriate when talking about involuntary acts of the brain.

I've noticed that often native-Japanese speakers start new sentences with "but". I think this is because the Japanese language equivalent is very natural in written Japanese. While this is very natural in spoken English, it's slightly different in written English. Often native-Japanese speakers will create two sentences, while in English, "but" or "however" would be used to join the two clauses in one sentence. Example:

"Immersing yourself in English is one of the best ways to improve your language ability, but it can be difficult due to the brain's tendency to avoid repetitive stimuli."

It's a longer sentence, but it sounds very natural.

In writing, I think "but" often feels like too small of a word to start a new sentence. "However" often works better in my opinion, especially with a comma.

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