Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Facts"

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Q: Facts have repeatedly proved that the U.S is a decadent country.
They are selfish and have no courage to stick to their principles.
I'm not talking about one party, I'm talking about all the people who live in this country.
What is the U.S doing when there are wars in Eurasia?
Like turtles, they huddle in the North American continent to develop their economy, even though they have the most powerful military force on earth.
When an anti human regime makes a throne out of the bones of 80 million Chinese, they turn a blind eye to it.
Because they were also fighting against the Soviet Union for their own throne
How dare such a country claim to be great?
They don't seem to understand the difference between the words powerful and great.
Anyone who has the illusion that the United States will bring democracy and peace to his country is stupid. They won't do it. If they do, there may be a bigger conspiracy. bu doğru görünüyor mu?

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