Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Erdogan"

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Q: Erdogan probably is the most opportunist politician in Turkey's history. He is famous for contradicting himself all the time. I mean he may do or say something for today but some time later he may defend completely opposite things. So, that's why it is unnecessary to look for a reason behind his all actions.

Also, conservatives in Turkey are traditionally against Western culture. It refers to clothing, music, movies and so on. They are not against capitalism or banking for example (these are also created by the west and part of the western culture). Because these things are related with money and when it comes to money they never do anything against "Western culture". So, by western culture they mean just some superficial values, they think these are spoiling our unique culture. Erdogan also thinks like that and that's why he is trying to organize the society with "anti-western" values. bu doğru görünüyor mu?

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