Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Cloud"

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Q: Cloud Watching on the Lovers’ Slope

There are different ways one can practice meditation and cloud watching is one of my favorite methods. It is very simple as all you need to do is lying down comfortably and observe the ever-changing sky. Having been struggling with my writing assignment for the last couple of days, I decide to go cloud watching on the lovers’ slope this Saturday. When I arrived, there were already flocks of students lying there, bathing in the warm spring sunshine like fishes placed on a barbecue grill. I picked a less crowded corner where I could enjoy a piece of silence, rolling out my picnic blanket and settled myself down. Clouds of different shapes were moving slowly and aimlessly in the blue sky. I gazed at them, trying not to think of anything to give my mind the permission to drift away with the clouds and be in peace. Above my head the birds were chirping in a crispy voice, cherry blossom clustering alongside the slope and the cozy afternoon breeze gently stroking my hair. Stretching my limbs restfully, I felt my breath became soft and my mind eventually calm down. Sometimes we are too focused at the issues before our eyes that we forget the vast overcast of clouds in the sky. Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a spring’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
bu doğru görünüyor mu?
A: × There are different ways one can practice meditation and cloud watching is one of my favorite methods.
✓ There are different ways one can practice meditation, and cloud watching is one of my favorite methods.

× It is very simple as all you need to do is lying down comfortably and observe the ever-changing sky.
✓ It is very simple, as all you need to do is lie down comfortably and observe the ever-changing sky.

× Having been struggling with my writing assignment for the last couple of days, I decide to go cloud watching on the lovers’ slope this Saturday.
✓ Having been struggling with my writing assignment for the last couple of days, I decided to go cloud watching on the lovers’ slope last Saturday.

× When I arrived, there were already flocks of students lying there, bathing in the warm spring sunshine like fishes placed on a barbecue grill.
✓ When I arrived, there were already flocks of students lying there, bathing in the warm spring sunshine like fishes on a barbecue grill.

× I picked a less crowded corner where I could enjoy a piece of silence, rolling out my picnic blanket and settled myself down.
✓ I picked a less crowded corner where I could enjoy a piece of silence, rolled out my picnic blanket and settled myself down.

× I gazed at them, trying not to think of anything to give my mind the permission to drift away with the clouds and be in peace.
✓ I gazed at them, trying not to think of anything, to give my mind the permission to drift away with the clouds and be at peace.

× Above my head the birds were chirping in a crispy voice, cherry blossom clustering alongside the slope and the cozy afternoon breeze gently stroking my hair.
✓ Above my head the birds were chirping in a crispy voice, cherry blossoms clustered alongs the slope and the cozy afternoon breeze gently stroked my hair.

× Stretching my limbs restfully, I felt my breath became soft and my mind eventually calm down.
✓ Stretching my limbs restfully, I felt my breath become soft and my mind eventually calm down.

× Sometimes we are too focused at the issues before our eyes that we forget the vast overcast of clouds in the sky.
✓ Sometimes we are so focused on the issues before our eyes that we forget the vast overcast of clouds in the sky.

Very good, but you need to be careful to maintain the tenses that you have established.

Q: Cloud someone help me check my essay to see if there are any awkward sentences or grammar mistakes within my essay? Thank you very much~

Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principles for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives.
Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principles for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives.

HERE's my essay:

Some political systems, such as China and Russia, consistently committed to particular principles and objectives, disregarding citizens' opinions and suggestions at large. In contrast, countries like America and England rely heavily on public opinion, which sometimes could bring them into chaos or imprudent long-term decisions.
In China, the government is barely willing to listen to public opinion, if not loathing it. When it comes to big decisions, this system might have some advantages; its decision-making process is way more efficient than most democratic systems. China can build a city or bridge a lot faster as long as the government has made such a decision because there would not be another party votes against the implementation of these policies. However, the flaws in such an effective system are obvious, too. The central government obtains absolute power. When the regime becomes corrupt and officials become venal, there is no other force to represent average citizens and stand up against the regime. Instead of being the server and the protector of ordinary people, it could become a hindrance to peace and freedom.
On the other hand, countries like the USA value average citizens' rights significantly. People can sue the government and win. Such freedom, however, introduces new problems. The recent riot in the White House shows the danger of uncontrollable protesters; A police officer even got killed, while the police force did not shoot. If the police had fired during the riot, the result would have been unthinkable. People could fire back, it could escalate into a gunfight. Furthermore, it would indicate the failure of an ideally free society, making other countries have more faith in the legitimacy of oppression.
That being said, governments that value the input of average citizens are still doing better than those that do not. In conclusion, I believe that political leaders should value public opinion more than their own principles as long as it is not a moral dilemma. After all, it is citizens who should have the right to choose their government, instead of being controlled by the government.
bu doğru görünüyor mu?
A: × Cloud someone help me check my essay to see if there are any awkward sentences or grammar mistakes within my essay?
✓ Could someone help me check my essay to see if there are any awkward sentences or grammar mistakes within my essay?

× Some political systems, such as China and Russia, consistently committed to particular principles and objectives, disregarding citizens' opinions and suggestions at large.
✓ Some political systems, such as China and Russia, consistently commit to particular principles and objectives, disregarding citizens' opinions and suggestions at large.

× In contrast, countries like America and England rely heavily on public opinion, which sometimes could bring them into chaos or imprudent long-term decisions.
✓ In contrast, countries like America and England rely heavily on public opinion, which could sometimes bring them into chaos or imprudent long-term decisions.

× In conclusion, I believe that political leaders should value public opinion more than their own principles as long as it is not a moral dilemma.
✓ In conclusion, I believe that political leaders should value public opinion more than their own principles as long as it does not create a moral dilemma.

× China can build a city or bridge a lot faster as long as the government has made such a decision because there would not be another party votes against the implementation of these policies.
✓ China can build a city or bridge a lot faster as long as the government has made such a decision because there would not be an opposing party against the implementation of these policies.

× The central government obtains absolute power.
✓ The central government maintains absolute power.

Very well written except, the fact that one police officer did fire and kill one citizen and one officer was killed. (I'm American.) The police showed great restraint. However, it is widely acknowledged by much of the country that had those protestors been Black or Hispanic, they would have been shot immediately. 😥 Here's a link to the article regarding the shooting

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